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Love in action


Steve Harmon

Me and Brittny went to a spiritual awareness church to minister the love of Christ. We sat through the whole thing and then hung out with some of the people afterwards. The service was one of the most boring things I've ever been in. I'm not trying to sound insulting, but it was extremely religious and structured. Afterwards I got a word of knowledge for a young guy who had something wrong with his right leg. He was blown away that I knew it. He let me pray for him and got healed. I also felt that his back was bad too. His leg grew out and back got healed. Then his shoulder and neck got healed. This guy had a necklace with a pentagram and another necklace with the name "Jesus" in cursive writing.. He let me pray and prophecy over him using the name of Jesus.  He said, "I've never met anyone like you. You don't want any money for what you do and you heal on the spot. That's crazy!"

Also, another woman there saw the guy get healed and wanted me to pray over her. We did and she felt a surge of power that she never felt before. I mentioned to her about that power and attributed it to Jesus. She had never felt anything like that before and wanted to know more, so we talked a while and got to sow some seeds.

It's so awesome to see God turning the spiritualist community upside-down. All we do is go into their community with massive amounts of love and using our spiritual gifts. These people are really turning an eye towards Jesus, which they would have never done using the the traditional evangelistic way. They do not like fundamental Christianity, but they don't object to Jesus. We've seen so many results and positive feedback. It's a harvest field ready to burst.. Instead of trying to pull them into our churches to know Jesus, we're bringing Him into their church.. The Kingdom of God is advancing all over, not regressing..