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Healing Testimonies

Healing Testimonies


Filtering by Tag: god


Steve Harmon

How we say things is so important because it changes the meaning. When we say God took our loved one, it implied that He killed them or that it was His will that they died. This has led to many Christians becoming Atheists in the body of Christ because of anger towards God. Last time I checked, it was Satan's job to kill, steal and destroy. When did God ever take up that role in Christian theology? It came from Christians who have prayed, and the prayer didn't work, so the assumption they made was, "We did our part, so surely God must not have wanted them to get healed and live." When Christians make this assumption, they overlook Matthew 17 when the disciples pray and the guy doesn't get healed. Then Jesus comes along and heals him. So we know it was God's will for the guy to get healed, but the prayers of the disciples didn't work. Jesus explained the reason why they didn't work was because the one's praying (Not the one receiving prayer) had unbelief. So what does that say? Christians will say, "I had faith, I believe God can do anything." I'll tell you right now, that's not what faith is and that's why Christians get shocked when their prayer didn't work.

There are many things we have prayed for that have totally been God's will, but the prayer couldn't get answered. I pray for healing and deliverance almost everyday because of the ministry I have. I've seen many reasons why people are not getting healed. I will tell you, beyond and shadow of doubt, that these reasons have NOTHING to do with God not wanted them healed. It has everything to do with not having understanding on how to pray. The way you pray and what you pray matters. Jesus told us to heal the sick and cast out demons. Most Christians don't do that on a regular basis, so when a loved one gets sick and they want to pray for healing, many times, it's already too late. They don't have the understanding on what to do and how to do it. The loved one will die, and it won't be God's will and Satan will take them out. I don't know everything there is about healing, but I'm learning. Not everyone I pray for gets healed, but I know there is a key for everyone's healing and it has to be found. One thing is for sure, I see much more people healed than I saw 2 years ago, 4 years ago, because I'm learning how to do it better by doing it everyday. That's what faith is. Persistence...


Steve Harmon

My sister had Neuroblastoma as an infant. There were 13 lumps on her body. My mom was a new believer at the time. The church she was going to didn't believe in healing. My dad's brother talked her and said that his church believed that God heals today. His pastor prayed for her and the baby over the phone. When she hung up the phone, my mom felt the sensation of heat going over her head down her torso. From that point on she knew the baby would be healed. She told her mother over the phone that Jesus was going to heal her daughter. There was this silence on the end. She said to my mom, "Cynthia, can you put you husband on the phone?" My dad got on the phone and she said, "You need to watch Cynthia, she's losing it."

One day, at LA children's hospital, my mother told the doctor that the baby would be healed by Jesus. The doctor said, "Mrs. Harmon, you don't understand how serious this is." My mother was praising God down the hospital hallways. When they left the hospital, they parked their car in a parking structure far away from the hospital. They were leaving the structure and came to the arm gate that requires a token to leave. As they were pulling up, a black man was sitting on the wall right next to the arm. My dad is thinking he is going to ask for money. As they pull up, instantly, the guy asks my dad, "How's your kid?" My dad looked at him puzzled. And said, "Huh?". The guy replies, "Well, you don't have to worry about a thing because the Lord is going to heal your baby." My mom's heart skipped a beat, my dad blanked out because he really wasn't a believer. My mom said to herself when they left, "I think that was an angel." A few days after, my grandmother noticed the lumps were getting smaller. Within two weeks they were completely gone. There was no trace left. They did ever test to check. It was so healed, it looked like it never existed. My dad asked the doctor what happened. "The doctor replied, "I guess you just call it a miracle" and shrugged his shoulders. On the paper work, the final note said, "Unexplained".