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Non-Boring Theology Talk


Steve Harmon

Now I know people will argue with me on this and say the Beatitudes or Him talking to a massive amount of people was a crusade, and that's fine, but the thing is, Jesus never planned those occasions or spent a dime on an event to gather people. He just spoke life and healed people wherever He went and the crowds would gather. His lifestyle was an outreach and that’s exactly what He taught His disciples to do. If believers would simply preach the good news and heal the sick everywhere they went as a lifestyle, there would be no need for events, crusades or outreaches. It would save a lot of money that could be used for people who actually need it.

Crusades and outreaches have a general effect, but nothing close to what it would be if believers did what Jesus told them to do as a lifestyle. Jesus said in Matt 9:37;38, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Not everyone is called to be an Evangelist, quit their job and go out on the streets every day. But we all come in contact people on a daily basis, whether at our job, get-togethers, shopping at the supermarket, gas station, etc.. I’m not saying that we got to go out there and tell everyone that Jesus died on the cross for their sins and get them to pray the sinner’s prayer. What I’m saying is that there are many ways to minister to people. You can share testimonies in a conversation when people ask how you've been, impart wisdom, or offer to pray for people, which is what I’ve seen be the most effective.

Imagine what this country would look like if all believers ministered to people IN LOVE (not being pushy and arrogant) everywhere they went at the Holy Spirit’s leading, moving in signs and wonders.. There is no question that this country would change. Then we could stop complaining about how bad it’s getting because we’ve finally started doing something about it, like Jesus told His bride to do 2000 years ago..


Steve Harmon

In Acts 3, Peter and John come across the lame beggar at the gate called Beautiful who had been crippled since birth. Peter basically grabs the beggar's hand and the power of God goes through the guy and heals him. The guy starts walking around and everybody sees it. The crowd of people are in awe of this miracle and now, full attention is on the disciples. Why?? Because the crowd wants to know how this happened. The crowd saw this guy everyday on the ground begging for years. Peter takes this opportunity to tell them about the Jesus they crucified. The crowd listens to the entire message and at the end of it, 5000 people give their lives to Jesus.

Peter and John weren't on a street corner handing out tracts or holding a cross. They didn't have a megaphone shouting. They performed a supernatural miracle and let that do the talking. I could go out on the street and talk to people about Jesus and people will shun or ignore me, especially if they've heard it a hundred times. But if I display the power of God, people will stop in their tracks. Once that happens, now I have their attention and they will listen. Wouldn't You?? Of course!

Paul understood this well. In 1 Cor 2:1-5, Paul was saying that working in power puts the focus on God where as us only using our words, it's easy for us to get the glory. Paul new how important it was to display God's power. It's just common sense. We talk about a supernatural God, so lets provide that evidence. I always say, rather than talk about God, how about I show you Him right now and end two years of debate.


Steve Harmon

God chose to love the world long before the world chose to love God. John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..." So, before the world chose to do anything good, righteous, or holy, God made the initial decision to love humanity BEFORE IT EVER REPENTED. That's a powerful concept. We've been taught that God would give out love based on human action. The reason that gets taught comes from human reasoning itself. Throughout our lives, we've been taught that you work for something and based on your efforts, you get something for it. That's not how God's love works and that's why people have so much confusion on this subject.

Many of us were raised in a way in which loved was withheld, so we had to earn that love back by doing good. God doesn't work like that. His love is relentless and always on-going. The aim of the demonic is to get you to believe that God's love gets withheld by your actions, so you are required to make new actions to get it back. God wants you to know the concept that you are loved 100% and the enemy doesn't. When you don't know you're loved, you have a performance based identity and over time, you may get tired of performing and eventually quit because it's too difficult to maintain.